Prevention to reduce the amount of waste produced in Tennessee

reducing waste in Chattanooga
Waste prevention consists in reducing the amount of waste produced or its dangerousness. It concerns the production and consumption phases. Prevention is a fundamental approach to preserving natural resources in Tennessee.

According to waste experts at Same Day Dumpster Rental Chattanooga, it also aims to limit pollution caused to the environment by the stages of production, processing, transport and use of products, and by the treatment of waste at the end of its life.

Reducing the amount of waste produced also saves on collection and treatment costs. This approach is part of the national fight to reduce waste and is a major tool to support changes in the behavior of residents.

Fight against food waste

A resident of Tennessee wastes an average of 50 kg of food products per year in their home, including 13 kg of unconsumed products still packaged. Added to this is the waste generated in collective or commercial catering.

The challenges of food waste

Reducing food waste addresses three challenges:

  • Environmental: if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest polluter, just after China and the United States. Wasting food means using natural resources and unnecessarily emitting greenhouse gases during the production, processing, conservation, packaging and transport phases.
  • Economic: food waste generates waste treatment costs that could be avoided if the products were not thrown away. It costs an average of $195 per person per year for every household in Tennessee.
  • Ethical and social: food waste is all the more unacceptable when we know that in Tennessee 1 in 10 people have difficulty feeding themselves.

Solutions to avoid waste

Consumers have several tools to reduce the amount of wasted food:

  • Know the conservation techniques and better understand the use-by dates; organize your fridge well to optimize food preservation;
  • Trust the intrinsic quality of a product rather than its visual appearance;
  • Anticipate the quantities to buy;
  • Clean your refrigerator at least once a month;
  • Defrost your freezer at least once a year and clean it;

Local management of biowaste

According to a state campaign to characterize household and similar waste, biowaste represents 35% of residual household waste. In accordance with the law relating to the fight against food waste and the circular economy, the generalization of sorting at source of biowaste has been mandatory since 2024 for all waste producers (households, communities and administrations, traders, etc.). This obligation has been applied since 2023 for professionals producing more than 5 tons of biowaste per year.

Why compost

The objective of composting is to allow the recovery of biowaste, material or energy, to reduce the quantity of waste collected by the public service. Composting your biowaste is:

  • Creating a natural amendment to feed your plants, your vegetable garden, your garden, etc.;
  • Reducing the volume of your household waste by about a third;
  • A fun activity for you and your children and rich in lessons on the cycles of nature.

How to compost

Do you live in an apartment building or a house? Several solutions are available to you! Compost in your garden, in your neighborhood, at the foot of the building or install a worm composter in your apartment.

Reuse and reuse

In a circular economy approach, reuse, repair and reuse make it possible to extend the lifespan of products and reduce the quantity of waste thrown away. Depending on the condition of the objects, it is therefore possible to give a new life to the products or the material they are made of.

In 2022, there were 28 reuse structures in the state, including 12 recycling centers and 3 resource centers that collect voluntary donations and recycle them. The goods are reconditioned and sold at a low price or sent to recycling channels to reuse the materials. The recycling centers are shops selling specific objects (bicycles, computer equipment, etc.). The resource centers carry out awareness-raising activities on waste reduction and, in addition to their environmental mission, some have a social impact by integrating people who are far from employment.

Visual reuse structures

In order to deploy the reuse offer, a new recycling center will open its doors in Chattanooga in 2025.

Abortion in the United States: almost half of Americans ready to move

moving company

The Supreme Court’s decision to review the right to abortion in the United States caused emotion and anger across the world. A study reveals that one in five Americans were willing to move to a state that does not penalize the termination of pregnancies.

Health and hospitals

On July 16, 2022, in Santa Monica, California, women’s rights activists continue to protest against the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse the right to abortion.

Moving to live in a state that aligns with your values? This is what almost half of American workers would be willing to do. According to a survey conducted by Morning Consult among 4,400 American workers, around 44% of respondents who say they are worried about not having the possibility of an abortion (for themselves or for a loved one), say they are ready to move to a other state, more favorable to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion). The only condition: being able to keep their job and their salary, even if they still consider the process difficult.

The American Supreme Court, the highest court in the country, buried the right to abortion at the federal level by six votes to three. A right that was guaranteed for nearly 50 years by the Roe v Wade ruling. Although abortion is not prohibited everywhere, each of the 50 states is now free to authorize it or not. In 13 of them, particularly in the south of the country, some were quick to ban it, such as Alabama or Arkansas. In other states, the time limit for abortion has been significantly reduced and is in the process of being banned entirely.

A desire that does not materialize

Following the Supreme Court’s decision, the “safe haven” states retaining the right to abortion expect an influx of residents from the twenty or so states where abortion should be criminalized or strongly restricted. But at the moment, such a trend has not yet materialized.

Catholic funds and companies clash over the right to abortion. In 2019, a study from Pennsylvania State University already affirmed that American workers tended to prefer to move to states and live with people in agreement with their personal values, even if they were not directly concerned.

In case residents decide to move out, they will have to empty their house, and they will probably have a lot of junk to discard. There is where hiring a dumpster rental service can come handy, as these waste management professionals will help you dispose of all your old stuff for a very low fee.

An economic constraint

Among those surveyed by Morning Consult, however, more than half say it would be difficult to accept a salary reduction or leave their current job to align with their values. Only a third would be willing to make these sacrifices.

One of the reasons is the cost of such a choice. According to moving company EasyMoving, the cost of moving increased by 9% in the first five months of 2023 compared to the same period the previous year; and they are expected to increase further during the summer, a period of high demand.

Another major obstacle is the generally higher cost of living in states where abortion remains legal, compared to those that outlaw it. Especially since the United States is going through a period where the prices of basic necessities, such as food, gas and energy, have never been so high.

Support from employers

While some companies like Citigroup or Hewlett Packard cover generic health care costs outside their employees’ state of residence, they remain a minority to do so. Fewer than 15% of people surveyed by Morning Consulting say their employer has taken such action following the Supreme Court’s decision.

In the United States, more than a quarter of private sector workers have no health care benefits at all. Additionally, the cost of legally having an abortion in another state is out of reach for most American workers.

According to another study conducted by consulting firm Gartner, the majority of human resources managers do not plan to change their healthcare offerings. From now on, covering such costs is a huge challenge for companies, comments one of the authors of the report. They spend a lot of time communicating about values; they are now put to the test.

Why Do People Not Recycle Enough in Myrtle Beach?

Recycling is a big deal in the Myrtle Beach. The Environmental Protection Agency says that the US makes 32 million tons of trash annually. With only about 34% of the waste recycled, the United States is far behind other developed countries.

Recycling is completely up to the residents of the United States, using dumpster rentals or not. Many Americans still don’t know that their local governments have recycling services. Only 15% of the waste is recycled in the big city of Los Angeles in California. The city is known for the way it takes care of trash. Even though the city has a day where trash is picked up every week, there is no recycling program.

US waste management

The United Nations Environment Program’s International Resource Panel (IRP) reports that the United States recycles and composts about 34% of its municipal solid waste (MSW). This number is less compared to many other wealthy countries. According to the EPA, recycling and composting save not only natural resources but also reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
The United States Is Having A Recycling Crisis

The problem of recycling in the United States is much more complicated than most people realize. Experts say that the United States needs to recycle 60 percent of its waste to stabilize recycling streams and keep junk out of landfills.

However, the country only recycles about 9 percent of its waste. More than 220 million tons of the 254 million tons of trash people produce in the US were put in landfills or burned. The United States has more trash than any other country in the world. Each person there makes 4.5 pounds of trash every day. Most of the problem comes from the fact that people don’t recycle enough.

The results show that there are still a lot of people who don’t recycle their trash or use dumpster rental services to remove their old junk. Only about 30% of people do nothing but recycle at home. Only 10% of people in the US recycle at work. That’s not enough. The problem is that only a few Americans recycle their trash. Only 35% of the trash is recycled as a whole.
In The United States, Which Material Is Recycled The Most

Recycling rates in the United States are higher than those in any other country in the world. In addition to that, they are responsible for production of more trash than any other country in the world, but that is a separate issue.

Today, we are going to talk about recycling in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States says that Americans recycled nearly 33 million tons of materials.

Glass, metal, recycled paper, and cardboard are some of the things that you often use. When it comes to recycling, the US usually does a good job. However, it’s not perfect all the time.

US dumpster rentals

Americans are still putting tons of trash in landfills. Several factors contribute to the problem. It’s because companies that handle trash charge more for items that can be recycled. People used to avoid recycling because they thought it would take more work. Some people in Myrtle Beach may not take part in recycling programs for various reasons, check this link for more information:

Plastics, paper, and food scraps are the things that are recycled the most. All Americans could probably do a better job of recycling. Some estimates say that increasing recycling in the United States could cut the country’s need for landfills by up to 90%. This is because the United States has fewer people per square mile and more open space per person than countries that recycle

Problems With Recycling In Myrtle Beach

A big chunk of the people in the Myrtle Beach do not recycle, because they don’t have a lot of social support. Another point of view is that it is easier to throw away plastic bottles and jugs in trash cans. One reason why people don’t recycle is because of this. They are only allowed to use the bottle once, but it can be recycled in many different ways, such as by placing other things in it.

Moreover, recycling is good for the environment. Additionally, the price of recycled paper is lower than the price of recycled plastic. This is the primary reason why people do not recycle plastic. Plastic is also a problem because it takes a long time to break down, and this means that the process of decomposition could take a long time.
What Can Be Done To Improve Recycling

Many of the recyclables brought into the United States for recycling are either dirty or can’t be processed in your area. This makes recycling in the country more difficult.

The second problem is that there isn’t enough space at recycling plants to support everything that is brought there to be recycled. People in the country have gotten richer and are less likely to recycle over time.

Many items that you might believe could be recycled or cannot be recycled because there is no market for them. A few years ago, someone tried to start a recycling program for plastic bags, but it didn’t work for the same reasons: the companies that make plastic bags didn’t want it, and there was more trash than the need for recycled products.

Newspapers and plastic bags are now being recycled in Austin. In the future, the United States might make programs like this one even better.

Since the wrong way to throw away trash can hurt the environment and wildlife, you must be very careful when you throw away trash. Americans don’t recycle as much as possible because they don’t know how important it is. The government could try to get people to recycle by telling them what it’s good for.

The United States produces a lot of trash, which can cause several problems. Americans don’t recycle enough for many reasons, such as not having enough access to recycling centers and not knowing enough about recycling. You can get more people to recycle in the US by letting them know what can and can’t be recycled.

Are You Wasting Money Or Adding Value With Your Home Renovation

If you are thinking of remodeling your home, it might either be a cash bonanza or a financial burden, depending whether you increase the true market worth of your home or over-capitalize it by spending an excessive amount of money on the improvements.

Owners of rental properties frequently invest $50,000 in renovations and then sell their properties, hoping to recoup the $50,000 investment as well as a profit.

In reality, professional real estate agents have discovered that many of the home owners don’t achieve the higher sale price for their property because they have made these home improvements out of sentimental reasons or for sound financial purposes, & as a result, they have made the mistake of over-capitalizing their home.

Anyone considering a home renovation should research the selling price of similar remodeled homes that have recently sold in their neighborhood in order to avoid making this typical error.

Why a Dumpster Rental is Needed for Home renovations

One thing home owners forget to consider when doing a home renovation is the cost of cleaning the junk after the job is done. Oftentimes there will be a lot of construction debris to remove, and this is where a dumpster rental comes handy. You can also recycle some of it.

In general, dumpster rental costs between $279 and $487 per week, but prices can range from $220 to $780 based on the sizes of the dumpster and how long you rent it. You could expect to pay $363 a week for the 10 to 15-yard dumpster.

Prices For Renting A Roll-Off Dumpster

The cost of renting a roll-off dumpster ranges from $220 – $780 per week, with the majority of households spending an average of $363 per week. The cost of renting a dumpster will be determined by the scale of a project and the amount of waste you anticipate producing as a result of it on a weekly basis.

10 Yard Dumpster Rental Cost

10-yard dumpster rental ranges in price from $220 – $580 per week, with the majority of households spending an average of $350 per week. A 10-yard dumpster measures 14′ long by 3.5′ high and has a capacity of 2 to 3 tonnes of debris or trash, which is approximately 3 pickup loads. A 10-yard container will suffice for small renovation, bulky waste removal, and medium-sized clean-up projects of moderate size.

15 Yard Dumpster Rental Cost

15-yard dumpster rental ranges in price from $265 – $620 per week, with the majority of households spending an average of $400 per week. A 15-yard dumpster measures 16 feet long by 4.5 feet high and has a capacity of 2 to 3 tonnes of debris or trash, which is approximately 4.5 pickup loads. An adequate size dumpster for a modest bathroom or kitchen remodel, small porch & deck demolition, concrete and siding removal, or other small work is a 15-yard container.

20 Yard Dumpster Rental Prices

A 20-yard dumpster measures 22 feet long by 4.5 feet high and has a capacity of 3 tonnes of debris or trash, which is equivalent to six pickup truck loads. A 20-yard container is ideal for major residential clean-up projects, such as whole-house cleanouts, flooring removal, huge landscaping projects, and home remodelling project

30 Yard Dumpster Rental Prices

Prices for a 30-yard trash rental range from $311 – $718 each week, with the majority of households spending an average of $500 per week per dumpster. A 30-yard dumpster measures 22 feet long by 6 feet high and can carry 3 to 5 tonnes of debris or trash, which is approximately 9 pickup tck loads. A 30-yard container is ideal for huge projects such as whole-house cleanouts, major renovation tasks, and large amounts of yard and landscaping garbage.

40 Yard Dumpster Rental Prices

40-yard dumpster rental can cost anywhere from $350 to $780 each week, with the majority of households spending on average $550 per week for the service. A 30-yard dumpster measures 22 feet long by 6 feet high and can carry 5 to 6 tonnes of debris or trash, which is approximately twelve pickup truck loads. 40-yard dumpster is ideal for major home clean-outs, as well as large remodelling and roofing projects, among other things.

Prices For Renting A Small Dumpster

The cost of renting a small dumpster ranges from $117 – $250 per week, with sizes ranging from 2 to 8 cubic yards. A 3-yard trash rental costs $169 per week, whereas the 6-yard dumpster rental costs $219 per week if you’re on the lookout for a good deal on a dumpster. You may anticipate to spend approximately $25 per day for the small four to eight-yard dumpster rental, with each size typically including the weekly trash pickup.

What Dumpster Size Do I Need

If you’re renting a dumpster at a variable cost, it’s always a good idea to overestimate the volume and weight of trash you’ll have.As a result, if you stay within the limit, you’ll pay less; however, when you go over, you’ll incur the dditional cost of between $40 – $100 per tonne as a result of the average ton.

Dumpster Rental Costs By Day, Week & Month

Cost To Rent A Dumpster For A Day

Most firms do not hire dumpsters for a day and instead require that you reserve one for atleast a week at a cost ranging from $400 to $500 depending on a size. Rentals for one to two-week periods are often offered at a same pricing as one to two-week rentals, with a additional $5 – $10 per day charged beyond that, acoording to Long Beach Dumpster Rentals HQ.

Cost To Rent A Dumpster For A Week

Renting the dumpster for a week might cost anywhere from $350 and $550, depending on the size of the home that is being cleaned out. A normal 10-yard dumpster rents for $350 per week, whil 30-yard dumpster rents for $500 per week, that includes pickup and disposal fees, depending on the size.

Monthly Dumpster Rental Cost

Monthly dumpster rental rates range from $500 – $1,200 per month, depending on the length of the rental period and the size of dumpster rented. It is normally possible to discover lower rental costs for a long-term business dumpster because you will only need it for 6 to 12 months if you rent for an extended period of time. Using a dumpster rental can lower pollution.

Why Recycling In The United States Isn’t Working

Recyclables that are put in the incorrect bin, or contaminated by filthy food containers, are a common cause of contamination in recycling bins. Large amounts of recyclable material may be rendered unusable due to contamination. Some facilities can’t process certain materials.

Plastic straws & bags, as well as other commonly used utensils like yogurt containers and takeout cartons, cannot always be recycled. They are typically disposed of in one of three ways: burned, dumped in landfills, or dumped into the sea. Even though waste-to-energy plants are occasionally utilized to generate energy, they have been linked to harmful emissions in the past.

US Waste Management Issues

Many dangerous pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and methane, are released into the atmosphere when garbage is deposited in landfills. As a result, our oceans are clogged with plastic debris.

The Chinese Government Has Banned The Disposal Of Plastic Waste

Because its industrial sector was flourishing and in need of those materials to feed it, China has been responsible for recycling over half of the world’s discarded materials for decades. Plastic, paper, and metals were exported to China by the United States in 2016.

30% of these combined recyclables were polluted with non-recyclable material, never recycled, and ended up harming China’s countryside and oceans, in reality. Every year, between 1.3 million and 1.5 million metric tonnes of plastic make their way into the water off the coast of China.

According to the new stricter purity criteria set by China’s National Sword policy, most plastics, as well as other materials, could not be imported into the country in 2018.

In 2018, the United States shipped 68,000 containers of plastic waste to Vietnam, Malaysia, & Thailand. However, when countries like China, India, and the European Union began imposing import limits on plastic garbage, the United States began diverting its waste to low-cost labor countries like Cambodia and Senegal.

Despite this, the United States continues to export nearly 1 million metric tonnes of plastic garbage each year, frequently to countries that are already overburdened. According to junk disposal experts at Syracuse Dumpster Rental HQ, many plastic bottles destined for recycling in other countries are deemed unsuitable and wind up in landfills.

Junk Disposal Improvements

According to a recent dumpster rental study, the plastic garbage sent to Southeast Asia results in contaminated water and crop mortality, as well as respiratory ailments owing to toxic gases from incineration and organized crime.

A Lack Of A Dumpster Rental Marketplace

U.S. recycling was thrown into chaos even without the Chinese market of plastic and other recyclable materials.

“The economics are tough,” said Nilda Mesa, head of the Earth Institute’s Centre for Environmental Urban Development’s Urban Sustainability & Equity Planning Program. For these facilities and towns to repay their collecting and transportation costs, they must sell the recycled materials. However, it only covers a small percentage of the overall costs if there are no markets for recycled material.

Processors and municipalities in the United States have thus been forced to choose between paying more of it to recycle and simply discarding waste. After making $95,000 selling recyclables, the city of Stamford, CT would have to pay $700,000 for their removal in 2018.

After 2018, Bakersfield, CA would have to spend $25 a tonne to dispose of its recyclables, which had previously earned the city $65 a tonne. Previously, Franklin, New Hampshire, could sell their recyclables for $6 per tonne; currently, the transfer station costs $125 per tonne to recover the material or $68 per tonne to incinerate it. 

Recycling programs have been slashed in cities that couldn’t afford to pay more. The number of recycling drop-off locations via dumpster rentals has decreased, and some programs have been reintroduced after public protests. Some schemes have increased charges to households while others have restricted the products they accept.

Polluting and illegal landfills are too frequent

Currently, Maryland waste management involves treatment facilities. And all these installations are by law classified installations for the Environmental Protection. As such, their creation is subject to an authorization procedure, requiring in particular an impact study and a study dangers.

Their proper operation is then checked by the inspectors of the classified installations. However, the so-called polluting or illegal landfill receives the waste at open sky and it is not subject to any operating rules.

According to the dictionary, a landfill is a place where you can deposit rubble, rubbish, garbage. In fact, we define two kinds of discharge:

The traditional landfill, now described as “wild”, in which the waste is deposited in the open. In short, the setting of “raw” landfill amounts to dumping the garbage on the ground or in an excavation, without taking sufficient precautions to mitigate the disadvantages.

However, when the waste is discharged to the ground without prerequisite treatment, they constitute sources of nuisance and pollution well known: degradation of sites; pollution of surface water and water underground; atmospheric pollution (release of dust, fumes, odors…); risk of spreading contagious diseases (by rodents, insects, etc.). Indeed, the latter are true breeding grounds

The controlled landfill, where the waste is here accumulated under determined thicknesses, separated by layers of earth, which practically eliminates their disadvantages. Discharge said controlled must therefore comply with technical recommendations, with a view to an adapted service thereof, which can therefore contribute to reducing any pollution that goes against the natural environment. The essential rules are:

  • any implantation must be carried out on good, non-permeable ground, 200 m away of the place of residence
  • the control of waste arriving at landfills is strict,
  • The waterproofing of the floor must be perfect because during the rains, water seeps into the discharges and becomes polluting. Thus, these discharges which produce in presence of “leachate” water (liquid discharge which percolates the landfill), constitute a potential danger of groundwater pollution. So the rainwater must be collected and treated,
  • The burning and capture of “bio-gas”, which is a compound gas approximately half of methane and carbon dioxide polluted by traces of sulphide of hydrogen, resulting from the internal fermentation of the landfill are prescribed, to avoid any risk of odor59 and explosion.

But with a production of 420,000 tonnes of waste per year, the two local landfills in Maryland will be totally saturated in 2022 and 2024 according to Baltimore dumpster rental experts.

While landfills remained the main destination for waste, there is now alternatives to simple landfill and solutions have been therefore found: separate collections, voluntary contributions, recycling centers, composting green waste, incineration. However, waste disposal cannot be improvised not because it fits into a specific legal framework.

In addition, environmental protection is an abundance of laws and increasingly stringent specific regulations. Also, we can underline that today the major texts protecting the environment are laws: nature protection, classified installations, waste regulations …The year 2019 in this regard proved to be auspicious in the adoption of a water law and on waste.

Given the inadequacy of waste regulations adopted in 2015 in the USA and of which have therefore not been applied, the new law supplements them. This law and its decree of application oblige elected officials, under the leadership of each local official, to establish plans for the disposal of household and similar waste.

In effect, unlike the old departmental elimination schemes created by law on waste and which have never been followed, the departmental plans should be applied insofar as they are defined by law. Diagrams were prescribed by a ministerial circular and established on the initiative of the Council General while the plans are placed under the authority of the prefect and they are imposed to the counties. Which means communities are responsible for eliminating and must meet the guidelines of the plan.

Quikrete Epoxy Garage Floor Coating

Review: Quikrete Epoxy Garage Floor Coating

Well, this is one of those reviews, like many others, that is a bit of a double-edged sword. A couple of months ago, while we still had a little sunshine up here in the Pacific Northwest, I set about to coat my garage floor with epoxy.

It’s important to do this job while the sun is shining so that you can have your stuff outside for a few days. Make no mistake, unless your garage is barren, you’re going to have to keep a few things outdoors while your flooring cures.

So, I got all set up. Tool bench outside. Bikes and other sporting equipment outside. Everyone is well aware that there will be no cars parked indoors till Tuesday. I went to the hardware store to pick up a couple of cases of Quikrete’s Epoxy Garage Floor Coating based on relatively strong reviews from friends, both online and real.

And, having used epoxy quite a few times in the past, I was pretty familiar with how things should work. I’ve always found that the devil is in the details with epoxy work, and that one of the most important things you can do is proper prep work before hand. In this case, that meant giving the garage floor a good cleaning. It almost felt unnatural given how I’ve abused that poor floor in the past.

Anyway, floor swept and even mopped. Oil and grease stains removed and I’ve ready to go. Honestly, following the directions wasn’t terribly difficult. Mixing was a breeze, and application was relatively painless.

Just knowing that patience is the greatest virtue when applying epoxy is the biggest obstacle. It took a few projects to figure that out, but it’s made all the difference for me over the years. Back to the directions – they were a snap. Let’s get to the meat and potatoes here. Why the double-edged sword?

Well, I took my time to properly prepare for the project, and followed Quikrete’s instructions to a tee. And it came out beautifully. So, what’s the rub? The rub is that the product itself is really quite nice, but there isn’t enough of it. I know how to calculate square feet, and I was well within their recommended usage statistics.

In the end, I ended up heading back to the hardware store a couple of days later to buy two more Quikrete Epoxy Garage Floor Coating kits, doubling my initial cost estimates for the project. All in all though, I think the end result came out better by letting the first coat cure and then applying the second. So, the verdict? Great product, just expect to buy more than you think you’ll need.

Using an Epoxy Sealer

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to try to become more active on the blog, and plow through a bunch of post ideas that have been brought up to me, or that have occurred to me. Today, we’ll tackle epoxy sealers, how to pick a good one, and what to be aware of going into any project involving them.

For years, I have done the standard Thompson’s treatment on my various decks and patios in the homes I have lived in. It should come as not surprise, though, given the nature of this blog, that I have been itching to try something a little more robust, a little more… epoxy-like. So, naturally, I began my latest outdoor wood treatment project by seeing if there were any heavy duty epoxy products that I might try for my deck.

Drawback #1: epoxy sealer is not cheap. Accustomed to the bang-for-your-buck deck sealants that I’ve always used in the past, I encountered a bit of sticker shock as I began shopping. But, hey, I love using epoxy products, and have found that they always pay for themselves over time, so this shouldn’t be any different, right?

In fact, this is one of the reasons that I like their products so much. They seem to engineer everything to stand up to the ocean, and my home is a much friendlier environment, so my projects are always overdone, and I like that.

Anyway, I went with their S-1 Epoxy Sealer, and have been very pleased with the results. Not only is my deck tough as nails now, I was able to mix in a white pigment into the sealer and give my deck a little color. Plus the pigment should give my epoxy a little extra UV protection – always nice when you’re dealing with epoxy as it’s the only weakness you might ever encounter.

Application was a piece of cake as I’ve become pretty darn good at using epoxy products over the years. The only thing I’d recommend, even though they suggest minimal surface prep, would be to give your deck a pretty thorough scrubdown prior to using the sealant. It’ll only make your life easier in the end.

Dream Interpretation in 2020

Everyone dreams!

Dreaming is a mental activity common to all mammals. Some people say they don’t dream, but they do dream indeed and simply don’t remember their dreams. Dream interpretation has intrigued us humans for hundreds of years, if not thousands!

Interpreting your dreams

Due to high demand, there are experts to help you interpret the meaning of your dreams. Our dreams are often rather bizarre and illogical. The dream symbols, if understood, can help you identify the messages hidden behind each image or message seen while you sleep.

The characters, objects, or events in your dream have a different meaning from reality. A dictionary of dreams can allow you to analyze your dreams with the eyes of the soul. There are free online guides that will help you, but it is not an exact science. You must adapt the interpretation of dreams to your life experience, your beliefs to refine the understanding of your dreams.

In a dream, the most critical part is the energy that is felt or released by an object or by a person. One should not try to report this on the material level but rather on the spiritual level.

Why analyze your dreams with the dictionary of dreams?

To improve our material and personal development by becoming aware of each of our decisions, actions, or reactions facing us in our daily life. It’s up to you to analyze your dreams, interpret them, and find the definition of each dream with a dictionary of dreams.

A dictionary of dreams should be free and offer you a complete list of definitions of all types of dreams. These definitions are classified alphabetically and by keywords and dream symbols. Analyzing dreams is within everyone’s reach, and you will be able to decipher the meaning of your dreams.

Learn how to interpret this language of symbols, messages that haunt you at night, or during the day when they are striking. Below is the example of the dream of a snake.

Interpretation and meaning of the snake dream

Dreams tell us in symbolic language what is behind an image, the representation of a memory to which a personal interpretation is attached.

It is, therefore, essential to read the definitions of symbols, objects, or people of your dream in two different ways: depending on your experience and in the universal sense.

If your dream is related to the snake symbol, don’t forget to relate your snake dream to your life experience. The meaning of your snake dream will be easier to analyze.

The snake is an essential symbol in dreams. The meaning of the snake dreams represents all the energies of the material world, which you must learn to control.

It is a symbol of our unconscious or primitive impulses.

We associate the snake with libido, in other words, with the vital force, which includes at the same time the sexual energy and the psychic energy. It can also represent sin, evil, harmful passions such as hatred, envy, jealousy, and rampant sexuality. It is a versatile and ancient symbol, an undifferentiated force, sometimes positive, sometimes negative.

An interpretation according to the color of the snake

The color of the snake is critical to understand your dream.

  • White snake:represents spiritual energies.
  • Red snake: it announces a violent love passion.
  • Green snake: it represents natural instinct, normal sexuality, strong vitality.
  • Black snake: it announces a danger coming from within, too pessimistic in love, a cause of emotional bad luck.
  • Black and shiny snake: it indicates dark moments in love because the loved one does not suit you.
  • Pink and blue snake: it signifies tenderness, sentimental refinement.
  • Brown snake: it is associated with the male organ, it signals a balanced, warm love.
  • Red and black snake: it announces cruelty, violence coming from the loved one.
  • Red and yellow snake: it represents intuitive passion, understanding, passionately happy love helped by the divine.
  • Yellow and black snake: it indicates that we must be wary of the loved one, of his hypocrisy, we must use his intuition.

More Interpratations for the snake dream

  • Snake dream: indicates the presence of great psychic forces in the dreamer, which are however disorganized and lack unity
  • Dreaming of coiled snakes: yhis dream speaks of a disorderly sex life or expresses an inner confusion and energies which must be channeled
  • Threatening snake dream: indicates the presence of dangerous enemies
  • Dreaming of a tail-biting snake: reveals an inability to find a solution to an ongoing problem
  • Discover a snake lurking: means that the dreamer welcomes a thug at home
  • Dreaming of a molting snake: indicates a renewal of energies
  • Dreaming of following a snake: it is to be guided by one’s intuitions
  • Dreaming of being bitten by a snake: is a warning to the dreamer: a drive driven back into the depths of his unconscious is likely to reappear in an aggressive way
  • Dreaming of having a snake in bed: announces a romantic relationship with a treacherous person
  • Meaning of the dream of killing a snake: announces a victory over someone who wants to hurt
  • Dream of eating snake: marks a triumph over an opponent
  • Dreaming of a green snake with terror: informs her that she is sexually traumatized, that she fears man or sexuality, that she will have to become aware of a sexual repression
  • Being bitten by a snake: means that she will fall in love
  • A snake rising like a phallus: a state of sexual cravings
  • Be stung or victim of a snake: indicates that he will be struck down by rivals
  • A snake rising like sex: fusion of sensual passion with deep feelings of domination
  • Dreaming of quickly killing a snake or cutting off its head: victory over adversity
  • Dream of a snake that surprises you or creeps threatening around you: you have every interest not to grant any credit and no confidence to the people who pretend to be your friends, they are deceitful, malicious and only wait for the occasion to harm you
  • Being bitten by a poisonous snake: sickness
  • A loved one is bitten by a venomous snake: a painful separation will give you another vision of things
  • Dream of snakes all around you: your life is in danger
  • Dreaming of a bunch of twisting knotted snakes: unhealthy influence, instincts are primary and unpredictable
  • Dreaming to charm a snake: luck and fertility
  • A tiny snake slips under clothing: health problem
  • Snake dream in captivity: revenge in stages on adversity
  • Meaning of falling into a snake pit: we will fiercely attack your reputation
  • Two-headed snake dream: luck, material and spiritual wealth
  • Dreaming of a snake coiled on itself and asleep: the possibilities are slowed down, we only show the bright side
  • Dream of a snake wrapped around a tree: a person will violently strike your convictions
  • Unwittingly carrying a snake or in your bag: a new sexual experience
  • Fearlessly holding a snake in his hands: we focus on sexuality, feeling of helplessness, and anxiety of being unloved

Organizing Business Events in Paris

Are you looking to organize some activities for your employees in Paris, as a corporation?

When it comes to corporate events, seminars or business retreats, Paris is a destination of choice in the mind of many business executives. Bringing your staff to the famed city for a corporate event is sure to meet with less resistance once they know the location of the event.

The choice of the rental of a reception hall will contribute to the success of your event, and will undoubtedly mark memories! Nowadays even organizers can offer a list of unique places to organize an event in Paris, providing the possibility of renting a reception hall that suit any corporation. Event organizers have modernized in recent years, developing digital and dedicated services from the formulation of the request until the completion of the event, with features such as:

  • online catalogs with hundreds of locations in Paris and other cities in France, some exclusive,
  • quality à la carte services according to specific needs, including caterers, drinks and entertainment,
  • a single convenient contact,
  • project managers assigned to provide advise according to the budget,
  • a on site coordinator during the event.

This type of tailored service is perfectly suited to busy executives who

  • can’t find an original place to make the best impression,
  • feel controlling their budget is complicated,
  • dislike having too many interlocutors to deal with,
  • consider operational management to be too time-consuming.

Make your event where no one is expecting it. Organizing a professional or private event in a unique place is the assurance of marking all guests and keeping an unforgettable memory of this moment. So it is crucial to find a partner with access to the best locations in Paris like convention centers, lofts, galleries, mansions or other unexploited, secret or exceptional places. Whether classic or atypical, all of them can host professional and private events.

Such service providers can send you a tailor-made quote, providing online access to proprietary event search engines to find the perfect place. “Nous avons la meilleure salle de réunion à Paris“, as they would say in French (We have the best meeting room in Paris). Of course all these event organizers are locals who know the French capital like the back of their hand.

Any corporate director in need of one or more rooms that can be privatized to organize a seminar, product launch or private reception in Paris will benefit from such service.

Prospect, network, get inspired, get known to the press and the general public, that’s the goal of these events. Trade fairs and other events are all opportunities to work on the reputation of a business! An investment which is expensive but which can prove to be very profitable as long as you are well prepared.

More recently due to the coronavirus epidemic, some of these Paris events had to be canceled or postponed to a later date. At the same time, numerous webinars are being set up to support entrepreneurs. The current crisis is temporary as we all know and very soon physical on-location corporate events will make a comeback. The more people have to remain in confinement, the more they will be looking to socialize once it is allowed.

And there it no better place than the City of Lights to host such a corporate event.

Visiting North Carolina

A visit to North Carolina is full of firsts. Watch the sun rise and set from the same spot on a barrier-island beach. Hear the sound of waterfalls echoing all around you. Sip moonshine distilled from a recipe five generations old. Do something you’ve never done before. Experience firsts that will last for a lifetime.

North Carolina truly has something for every traveller. It is a state blessed with beautiful beaches, stunning mountain scenery and plenty of Old South charm. North Carolina is also the de facto champion of cleanliness on the East Coast. The best times to visit North Carolina for ideal weather are April 2nd to June 10th or September 3rd to November 4th, based on average temperature and humidity from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Read below for more travel details.

Pictures don’t do Carolina justice. There’s a sense of being here, a feeling that’s impossible to fully describe. You can also visit some universities such as the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. You know it is a unique place as soon as you walk onto campus. Are you ready for a tour? You can sign up and learn more about their special visit options.

Another nice campus to visit is the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW). The ideal way to experience the UNCW campus is with a campus tour, guided by our enthusiastic UNCW Student Ambassadors, Seahawk Admissions Network for Diversity (SAND) members and Transfer to Teal Guides. During the academic year (August-May), tours are offered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10am and 2pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11am and 2pm.

North Carolina has something for everyone, with the highest mountains in the eastern U.S., 300 miles of pristine coastline, quaint towns and vibrant cities. From the mountains to the sea, explore the natural, scenic beauty, discover outdoor adventure or try one of 500 golf courses, including the legendary Pinehurst No. 2.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the country’s most visited National Park and one of the best places to visit in North Carolina. It is renowned the world over for its variety of animal and plant life, its stunning ancient mountains, and visible remnants of Southern Appalachian mountain culture.

One of North Carolina’s must-see attractions is the Biltmore Estate, one of the top attractions in Asheville. At the center of an 8,000-acre compound, the Vanderbilt Mansion is the largest private home in the United States. The mansion has 250 rooms with impressive artwork, antiques, and architecture, as well as collections of vintage clothing and accessories.

The pedestrian-friendly Riverwalk winds along the Cape Fear River, connecting many of the city’s shops, cafés, and nightlife with waterfront hotels, parks and the Port City Marina. Annual festivals, such as Riverfest, Wilmington Beer Week and the world-famous North Carolina Azalea Festival, attract crowds year-round.

With the Atlantic Ocean to the east, North Carolina features plenty of shoreline for visitors to enjoy with water activities, sunbathing, or simply relaxing on the beach. The state’s long history means that you can find important historic sites from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

The Battleship North Carolina is a self guided tour. Follow the arrows and enjoy climbing ladders to explore up to 9 levels. Make sure to bring your camera but hold onto to it along with your cell phones and sunglasses! The Ship is huge and not air conditioned, so be prepared to savor her as the sailors did.

Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus County’s largest city, was established in 1796 near the center of the county to serve as the seat of local government. It began as a small hamlet and became the major cotton market for an area that included parts of several surrounding counties. Concord dumpster rentals are part of the waste management efforts by the city, so you will not see much junk around.

North Carolina’s ideal stay duration: 2 days Raleigh, it’s a smart city and also part of the Research Triangle, a geographical area that includes Durham and Chapel Hill. The lush landscape of the Neuse River Trail or the wooded beauty of Umstead State Park or any of the green spaces that the city has worked hard to protect.